Event Cosplay Little Tokyo Ennichisai

Read English here
Hari ini aku datang ke Event Cosplay Little Tokyo Ennichisai yang bertepat di Melawai- Blok M Square , Jakarta Selatan. Disini acaranya sangat ramai dengan cuaca yang sangat panas :s bahkan panasnya sampai menembus wig ku .___.) Banyak acara selain cosplay dalam event ini salah satunya ada tarian jepang, mikoshi, dashi, banyak stand jualan, dan kuliner jepang >:D Yeah ini yang paling ku tunggu
Hari ini aku cosplay original "Sweet Lolita" karena eventnya outdoor sehingga aku sedikit takut akan susah mencari ruang ganti kostum disana. Sudah sangat lama aku tidak cosplay saat event
Mungkin terakhir kali saat cosplay di Central Park Mall dengan Vocaloid Miku Camellia pada bulan oktober tahun lalu. Selebihnya aku hanya suka datang dan mengobrol dengan teman-teman lain/ mengadakan photosession berkelompok :D Sehingga hari ini aku cukup puas dan senang bisa bertemu banyak teman-teman lama 
Saat berjalan jalan salah seorang SPG dari Animax menawarkan aku dan temanku untuk berfoto di dalamnya . Oh dia sangat baik ! hahaha.
Dan didalam stand animax nya sangat lucu ! dimana disana banyak poster anime dan yang paling menarik minatku adalah poster besar beelzebub! HAHAHHA.. Kalian tau anime beelzebub?? itu sangat lucu. aku merekomendasi kalian untuk menontonnya>:D
( Left-Right )
Sasuke, dia ada lah partner cosplay ku! yah aku sangat sering 1project cosplay dengan dia.. dia juga adalah teman kuliah ku walaupun kami tidak 1 jurusan. Dia memiliki suara yang lembut dan wajah yang manis >___<
Cominica pastinya beberapa blogger mengenalnya
dia selalu tampil kawaii dengan gyaru stylenya hahaha! aku selalu suka dengan makeup nya.
Vina dia adalah adik Cominica :D Dia tampak cantik ( ̶b̶i̶a̶s̶a̶n̶y̶a̶ ̶g̶a̶n̶t̶e̶n̶g̶ ) saat ini ! dan anda jangan kaget dia juga bisa tampil cakep saat cross -___-) Aku sangat iri padanya ;;A;; dia memiliki postur tubuh yang tinggi dan langsing
Sasuke, dia ada lah partner cosplay ku! yah aku sangat sering 1project cosplay dengan dia.. dia juga adalah teman kuliah ku walaupun kami tidak 1 jurusan. Dia memiliki suara yang lembut dan wajah yang manis >___<
Cominica pastinya beberapa blogger mengenalnya
Vina dia adalah adik Cominica :D Dia tampak cantik ( ̶b̶i̶a̶s̶a̶n̶y̶a̶ ̶g̶a̶n̶t̶e̶n̶g̶ ) saat ini ! dan anda jangan kaget dia juga bisa tampil cakep saat cross -___-) Aku sangat iri padanya ;;A;; dia memiliki postur tubuh yang tinggi dan langsing
Beberapa foto bersama Cosplayer dan teman teman lain yang bertemu disana.. OTSUKARE minna san
. Thanks buat untuk kalian semua yang udah menemani, membantu foto, nyapa duluan, dan ngobrol bersama.
Suasana saat eventnya
Sepanjang jalan banyak sekali yang menjual makanan, minuman dan barang barang Jepang. Aku rasa banyak sekali otaku di event ini hahah :D
Ada stand Doraemon
. Tapi aku lebih menginginkan stand DOMO !!! YEAHH~ aku suka sekali dengan Domo
. Domo mengingatkan ku pada es cream Magnum di Kulkas ku sekarang lol >:P. hmm dan aku juga mendapatkan Note Book dari Stand Animax. Note Book ini lumayan tebal dan dibagikan gratis untuk yang masuk ke stand nya :D

Dan terakhir aku mengucapkan selamat kepada semua pemenang Event ini. Teman ku mengatakan bagi pemenangnya akan dikirim mengikutin event Cosplay Internasional
. ( Kemungkinan setelah di seleksi lagi saat Event Clash-H ). Ini sangat keren ! Aku mendoakan yang terbaik untuk para pemenang yang membawa nama Cosplay Indonesia.
It looks like you had a great time! Awesome photos! You have a great blog! I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other? I promise I’ll follow you back!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day!
"Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"
thanks :)
Deletealready follow your blog >< follow me back?
thanks for visit and comment my blog ^^
my bloglovin http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/2690989/miharu-blog :)
Deletece kamunya cantiiik XD bajunya lagi cute banget :$ sekali-sekali gothic lolita dong ce :D hehehe
ReplyDeletemakasih marsha >__<
ReplyDeleteia dulu kebetulan nemu bajunya di mall murah :D
haha dulu uda pernah sekarang kostumnya uda aku jual ;;A;;)
yah dijuaaal TT__TT sayang banget ce~~
Deletehehehe kamu beli kayak gitu dimana sih ce? o.O
biasa bikin sama penjahit :) hmm kalau mau beli jadi ada yang jual di taobao kok ^^
Deleteiah waktu itu temen 1 project ku batalin projectnya :l jadi yah uda dijual aja :s
bisa minta alamat penjahit nya ga ? thx sebelumnya
Deletebisa minta alamat penjahit nya ga ? thx sebelumnya
Deletehai dear, thanks for visit my blog.
ReplyDeletejust followed your blog, bdw you look so cute with that wig haha
aw thanks :D
Deletealready follow your blog too !
ahww you look so cute <3
ReplyDeletelooka like a lot of fun :D
thanks :D
Deleteyes ^^
hello!!! i follow your blog!!
ReplyDeletefollow me!!! thanks!
already follow you :)
Deletesure we can follow each other
ReplyDeletei'm following you now!!
Deletealready follow your blog :)
thanks for your comment!
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to follow each other!
We are your new followers!
hi! you're so cute, thanks for the comment, now following you. hope you follow too :)
ReplyDeletevery cute cosplay:D
ReplyDeletebtw maybe u like to vsit my blog too?
hey dear...follow ur cute blog:D
ReplyDeletemaybe fllwback?
How cute ♡ ,love the Pictures!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the nice Comment ,yes we can follow each other ,i follow now :)
Lovely Greetings!
thanks :D already follow now
ReplyDeleteokay i'm join now :) ! thanks for the info!
okay visit your blog and already follow too
ReplyDeletefollow me back please :D
Hi beauty! Thanks for visited my blog, I'm glad you like it :)
ReplyDeleteYour blog is so cute. I am now following you!
Too bad I don't speak the language. This is so cute! And you're adorable! I bet it was wonderful!! :)
ReplyDeletei'm sorry i write the post with indonesia language
Deletebut next post i'll post with english >:D
you can translete or klick "Read english here" :D
Deletewow your blog is very cute. but i have trouble when follow your blog :S
ReplyDeletewhat the trouble on my blog? T__T a problem loading?
Deleteoh i hope you can follow me and each other :)but if can't, no problem ^_^
I really like your blog :)
ReplyDeleteWould you visit mine?
okay :D
Deletethanks for visit
Btw, I followed you. :)
ReplyDeleteoh thanks for comment and visiting ^^
ReplyDeletealready follow you ^^
love this post! <3
ReplyDeletewanna follow each other? lemme know :)
sweet and sugars,
thanks for love it :)
Deleteof course ! follow me first and i promise i'll follow you back sweetie
Nice blog!!
ReplyDeleteI´m following you
thanks :)
Deletealready follow your blog ^^
this is so cute !! no wait : kawai :)
thanks for your comment dear,
ReplyDeletei love watching cosplay
wait for your follow back,
thank you sooo much for your lovely comment on my blog :)
ReplyDeletefollowed ♥
thanks for follow me
Deletealready follow your blog too^^
wow! you really enjoyed! of course we can follow! I'm already following!!!!
ReplyDeleteOoh love the wig! I love Japanese anime and once thought about wearing a cosplay outfit :) but I never did..hehe..now I wish I at least trIed! The event looked like so much fun :) following you now
ReplyDeleteVisit me again soon sweetie
i love the wig too ><
Deleteokay !
thanks for follow me.. already follow you too
Thank for comment and visiting!!!! Follow you!!!
welcome ^^
Deletealready follow you too
Thanks for your comment!I follow you on gfc, hope you'll do the same!!
ReplyDeleteStephilà Creations-Myfashionblog
welcome :)
Deletealready follow you
Love japan and your style! U are amazing!!
thanks :D
ReplyDeleteFollowing you now hun :)
ReplyDeleteplease follow back! xox
My Style Blog : The Style Khaleesi
Personal Blogspot
thanks :)
Deletealready follow you too ^^
Love everyone's looks.
ReplyDelete$100 Shopbop GIVEAWAY
I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow my preppy blog. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog!
ReplyDeleteNice pics!
ReplyDeleteOfcourse, i'm following you right now!
OH MY GOD! You are so cute!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Your blog is the cutest thing ever!!!
ReplyDeleteI love that my mouse turns into a moustache!
I'm following you now. Will you follow me back?!
omg you are so pretty <3 I love the cosplay :)
ReplyDeleteFollowing you now! Mind to follow back? Kisses <3
thanks XD
Deleteokay! already follow your blog
These photos are so cute! I like this style :) I'm following you now :)
thanks :D
Deletealready follow you too ><
Thank you for commenting and visiting my blog. You have a very nice blog and I will definitely love to follow you!
welcome ..
Deletealready follow you too :D
hey finally i can follow your blog. yes i also from indonesia ;') thanks for the comment and stop by. by the wayyy, what song in your blog? can you give me the title of song? i like it <3
ReplyDeletewhat a cute costume ;)
ReplyDeletethanks for your lovely comment on my blog , sure im following you now ! follow back ?
thanks for follow me
Deletealready follow you ^^
great post dear:)
ReplyDeletecome by and lets fllw each other if you love to do dear<3
I'd love to follow each other, I already did! Hope you'll do the same ;)
Kisses ;*
already follow you ^^
DeleteI love the moustache theme.
ReplyDeleteFor one of a kind clothes check out MTX Designs
Aw, this are awesome cosplay costumes :) Sure I will follow you now. Follow back <3
thanks :) already follow you
DeleteHi dear:) Of course we can follow each oether, I start to follow u now!:) wait for u! btw I like cosplay events too, u look very cute! kisses and have a good day!:)
ReplyDeletethanks for following, i'm following you back :)
Hey there, I'm following you now. Maybe you could follow me back :)
ReplyDeleteHey lady, you are so pretty!! I just love your blog. I added myself to your followers for support and wanted to invite you to come follow back maybe and enter a fabulous $175 CHI GIVEAWAY I'm having right now!!
ReplyDeleteHope to see you there! Thanks so much!
lovely blog and photos:)